Privacy Policy

The site provides a registration process and may now or in the future collect the following personal information to serve the Customer better.

a) Name including first and last name

 b) Email address

 c) Mobile phone numbers and contact details

 d) Postal Pin code. We will take all reasonable care in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorized access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from the Website. By completing the registration process or by placing an order, the Customer agrees to receive promotional communication, text messages and newsletters. You may opt out by contacting our Customer Service team at We will never sell or provide your information to Third Party companies or outside agencies for commercial purposes.


We use the personal data you provide to process your order, including passing on your telephone number to the Delivery, and to contact you if there are any problems.You may also choose to receive certain emails, promotions or other information from us but can opt in or out of this at any time. We may use your information for market research or customer profiling and to display certain content on the website, such as your favorites items or new products that we think may be of interest to you.


I hereby agree:

That the product descriptions have been carefully checked before placing the order.

That by placing an order I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of sale.

That all prices and availability of products are subject to change without prior notice at the sole discretion of Growvet fresh Pik.


The price displayed for the product may change depending on the daily market value. On the website, an estimated weight of the product is used for the guide price. You will pay only for the exact weight of the product in your order. This will result in a slight variation from the price being displayed on the website to the price at time of delivery. For both cash and card payments, the difference in value may be collected or refunded. For card prepayment the amount will be collected or refunded in cash. Growvet fresh Pik does not have any handling charges, packing charges or hidden charges.




Only persons who can form legally binding contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872(Act) are eligible to use the Website. Persons who are '˜incompetent to contract'™ within the meaning of the Act are not eligible to use the Website. If you are under the age of 18 years (minor), you shall not register as a user and shall not transact on or use the Website. Legal guardians or parents can transact or use the Website on behalf of minors.


Cookies and Technology
A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer, mobile phone, or other device when you visit a website. Cookies help website providers to recognize your device the next time you visit their website using non-personal, identifiable information only, e.g., domain type, browser version, and service provider. Cookies do not provide any personal information but they allow us to understand how users navigate to and around our website, view product pages, access content and make purchases. For your convenience, to help us personalize your experience or better serve your needs, we may use cookies to receive and store certain types of information when you visit our website.


Third Party Involvement
Information you provide us such as name, email, mobile phone number and address and information we collect as you access and use our service, including device information, location and network carrier are kept confidential and used only by Growvet fresh Pik  for its sales, promotion and offers.

All orders are processed through the Growvet fresh Pik Shopping Cart via Digital Payment, Debit Card, Credit card information collected on this website is stored on secure sites and is available to Growvet fresh Pik for up to 30 days. Delivery and e-mail information is also stored. Your information collected for the Digital secure online payment system is governed by PayU'™s privacy policy. PayU would request information from you on our order form. To buy from us, you must provide information such as name and delivery address, and financial information like credit card number and expiration date. digital uses this information for billing purposes and to fulfill your delivery. If they have trouble processing an order, they will use this information to contact you by email.

We contract with third parties to serve advertisements on our behalf across the internet and sometimes on this website. They may collect anonymous information about your visits to our website, and your interaction with our products and services. They may also use information about your visits to this and other websites to target advertisements for goods and services. No personally identifiable information is collected or used in this process. They do not know the name, phone number, address, e-mail address, or any personally identifying information about the user. Third parties whose products or services are accessible or advertised through the Services, including social media services, may also use cookies or similar tools, and we advise you to check their privacy policies for information about their cookies and other practices. We do not control the practices of such partners and their privacy policies govern their interactions with you.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction
All disputes arising out of or in doing business with Growvet fresh Pik or on shall be amicably settled at the first instance by mutual discussions and negotiations. In the event the dispute is not resolved then the same may be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any enactment of statutory modification thereof. The arbitration proceedings shall be in the English or Hindi language and shall be held in Kathua. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding.


 Growvet Fresh Pik  has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, revise the updated date at the bottom of this page, We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.